Enjoy Stability and Peace of Mind with All-on-4 Dentures

All-on-4 HenricoConventional dentures can be uncomfortable and unreliable, so many patients have either chosen to upgrade to All-on-4 dental implants or just select this treatment option initially following extraction of the remaining teeth.

All-on-4 is a unique treatment approach that uses just four dental implants to secure an entire prosthetic arch. Previous interventions involving implant-supported dentures required that an oral surgeon place a larger number of dental implants, which made the treatment more complex.

With All-on-4, more patients–including those who have already experienced some bone loss–can qualify for dental implants. The four implants are placed toward the front of the jaw, where the bone erodes more slowly following tooth loss.

All-on-4 is a unique treatment approach that uses just four dental implants to secure an entire prosthetic arch.

Dental implants are much more effective than denture adhesives for holding dentures in place. They are made of titanium, so the surrounding bone can form a bond with the implants. This physical connection between bone and implant decreases the likelihood that the denture will shift out of place at an inopportune time.

Additionally, because the dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root, it prevents further jawbone erosion following tooth loss. The jaw’s contour will remain consistent, and the appliance will retain its fit overtime, unlike conventional dentures, which often need to be re-lined and sometimes even replaced.

All-on-4 dentures also are more effective at chewing than standard dentures. The implants allow the appliance to tolerate most normal chewing forces, although some dietary adaptations may still be necessary.

Although the dental implant placement does require surgery, it’s an outpatient procedure that is completed in a matter of hours. Most patients can also be fitted with a prosthetic on the day that the implants are placed, reducing the amount of wait time required to restore the smile. The patient may return to the oral surgeon’s office after the implants have healed completely to be fitted with a more permanent prosthetic.

Choosing All-on-4 implants as an alternative to conventional dentures can offer much peace of mind to patients. Schedule an initial appointment with our skilled and dedicated team of oral surgeons to learn more about the benefits of this treatment option.

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