Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What should I expect during the recovery process?

wisdom teeth Midlothianwisdom teeth MidlothianThe wisdom teeth extraction procedure is a relatively routine one that is very common, and most patients experience an uneventful recovery.

In most cases, any discomfort is mild and can often be managed with over-the-counter painkillers.

Nonetheless, wisdom teeth removal does require oral surgery, and there can be post-operative complications following any surgical procedures. Patients should be aware of symptoms that can indicate an infection or some other problem that interferes with healing.

Fortunately, patients can collaborate with the oral surgeon to develop a plan to reduce their risk of developing issues after wisdom teeth extraction.

The most common issue that patients experience after having their wisdom teeth removed is dry sockets. This condition occurs when the clot, which forms to protect the nerves near the top of the empty socket, either fails to form or is dislodged prematurely. Dry sockets are painful, and some activities – like using drinking straws or smoking within a week or two of the procedure – can increase a patient’s risk of developing the condition.

Your oral surgeon will give you detailed post-operative instructions to reduce your risk of dry sockets and other complications.

You may have to adapt your oral hygiene routine slightly at the extraction site, but you should still brush and floss as directed by your dentist. Good oral hygiene habits limit the amount of oral bacteria, and consequently, cut your chances of developing an infection.

In the days immediately following the procedure, patients should monitor the extraction site for signs of excessive bleeding as well. If you notice ongoing, persistent bleeding, notify your oral surgeon, who may want you to come into the office for a follow-up examination.

Although many patients undergo wisdom teeth extraction, it’s important to be prepared for the recovery process to decrease the chances of complications. Before you schedule the procedure, talk to your oral surgeon to learn more about what precautions you should take following wisdom teeth extraction.