Why Your Wisdom Teeth May Require Extraction

midlothian wisdom teeth

As we grow older and reach our early 20s, up to four new teeth could erupt. These new molars, known as wisdom teeth, could lead to serious trouble for your oral health and smile stability. To protect your smile, our Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery team gently and safely removes them with a tooth extraction.

The Arrival and Complications of Third Molars

For many people, up to four new wisdom teeth could erupt, and in the process, create complications like misalignment. They could damage nearby molars to increase the risk of tooth decay and infection. For others, these could only partially erupt, creating a painful impaction. To avoid these issues with the health and beauty of your smile, we often recommend a tooth extraction to remove these additional molars before they threaten the health and stability of your smile.

Preparing Your Smile

Our team will begin by taking digital x-rays of your smile so we can accurately pinpoint the position of these teeth and plan treatment in detail, avoiding blood vessels, nerve tissues, and sinus cavities. Digital X-rays provide high-definition images and only use a fraction of the radiation. These images will be available instantly chairside too. Our team will then talk to you about anesthesia and sedation options to see which is right for you. Our team offers local anesthesia, as well as nitrous oxide and IV sedation, which can help people even if they have high anxiety levels. Our team will also discuss the surgical procedure in detail so you’re well-informed about each step of the procedure. We will have post-op instructions ready to aid in the healing process.

Extracting Your Wisdom Teeth

When you arrive and are properly sedated, we will conduct the procedure at one of our surgical sites. A skilled oral surgeon will perform the procedure, and open the gums to remove the teeth gently and carefully. We then suture the area closed, and a friend or family member can take you home. We will monitor you throughout the procedure to ensure your health and safety. You may return for a follow-up visit so we can remove the sutures and make sure the area is healing properly.

If you have any questions about how we gently and safely remove wisdom teeth with tooth extraction, then contact our team today to learn more.

Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery Provides A Safe and Gentle Extraction

Our team is ready to safeguard your smile’s health, function, and beauty by removing your third molars. If you would like to learn more about preventing wisdom tooth impaction, call Commonwealth OFS today at (804) 354-1600. We’re ready to restore your smile with oral surgery, helping you avoid complications down the road.


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