The Technology We Use To Place Dental Implants

richmond dental implants

We want to help you enjoy a full smile again, whether you have lost a single tooth or sustained near total tooth loss. With dental implants, we have an option that looks and functions like natural teeth. If you have missing teeth, your Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery team can offer a solution with implant dentistry.

When You Need New Teeth

When you lose one of your teeth, or multiple natural teeth, this could alter how you eat and speak, and your jawbone could lose mass and density. As a result, a prematurely aged appearance could occur. With dental implants, we can insert a titanium cylinder that acts as a new root. This bonds with the jaw and prevents the loss of mass and density, and ensures your new teeth can last. We can handle a single missing tooth, or secure a prosthetic, including a bridge or even a full set of dentures. To ensure optimal placement and long-lasting results, we oversee this process with advanced digital technology.

Planning the Placement Process

With 3D Cone Beam technology, our team creates digital x-ray images of your entire smile, so we can see a three-dimensional view of your jaw and oral structures. Our team can then assess the strength of your jaw and whether you can support dental implants right away, or if you need procedures like grafting or a sinus lift to fortify the jawbone. Our team then plans the placement process, choosing the most appropriate angle and position to insert these new roots. We want them to stay in place and also stimulate the growth of jaw structure, so you maintain your youthful features.

Securing Your New Smile

When we insert these posts, the body sees them as natural roots and resumes the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jaw, so your smile stays strong and your new teeth have the potential to last for decades, possibly even a lifetime. Our team then attaches abutments to the posts that extend above the gum line and provides structure for us to attach a crown or possibly a portion of a bridge or denture. You now have a new smile that looks and functions like a natural one.

If you have any questions about how we address tooth loss with implant dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a full and functional smile, and you can get started in this process with an initial consultation.

Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery Provides Advanced Tooth Replacement

Dental implants can offer a durable and natural-looking solution to minor or advanced tooth loss. If you would like to learn more about replacing your missing teeth with our durable and lifelike dental implants, call Commonwealth OFS today at (804) 354-1600.



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