I’ve worn dentures for years: Am I still a candidate for dental implants?

bone grafting RichmondIf you have worn dentures for some time, you likely want to explore your options for improving oral function and comfort. Since dentures have limitations, many patients inquire about new technology and prosthetics to enhance their smiles and improve their ability to eat food comfortably. If you have worn dentures for years, you might be a candidate for new dentures supported by dental implants. This method of stabilizing dentures, commonly called All-on-4, is an effective technique for increasing the stability and function of prosthetic teeth. Some patients may require preliminary procedures such as bone grafting prior to receiving dental implants.

Following are answers to common questions about dental implants, All-on-4 and bone grafting.

Why is All-on-4 recommended for denture wearers?

All-on-4 is typically recommended for denture wearers because rather than using one dental implant to replace a single tooth, our oral surgeons can embed a series of dental implants (four) into the jaw to support an entire arch of new teeth.

This method is ideal for denture wearers because the dental implants used for All-on-4 are smaller in diameter and therefore can accommodate patients with bone atrophy. Bone loss commonly afflicts edentulous patients—especially those who have worn dentures for years.

Will bone grafting be necessary?

Whether a patient receives a bone graft largely depends on the severity of bone deterioration. If there is not enough bone to support an implant, our team may recommend a graft to improve the likelihood of a stable implantation process. Bone grafting involves taking bone from another part of the body or a tissue bank and surgically bonding it to areas in the jaw where the bone is affected.

What are the benefits of All-on-4?

All-on-4 offers an array of advantages to patients who have worn dentures for quite some time. Dental implants secure dentures so that patients will be able to eat tough and chewy foods without obstruction. Moreover, implants eliminate the need for tacky and messy adhesives. With improved denture stability, patients will feel more confident in both their appearance and oral function. Implants also support oral health by preventing further bone deterioration.

To schedule a consultation, contact our team at Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery today.

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