Do I need to have my wisdom teeth extracted before orthodontic treatment?

Impacted wisdom teeth can wreck the results of years of orthodontic treatment as they continue to try to erupt when there’s not enough room in the jaw for them. Therefore, if you’ve invested time and money in braces, you’ll likely want to have your wisdom teeth removed, in part, to avoid a second round of… Continue reading Do I need to have my wisdom teeth extracted before orthodontic treatment?

What is an abscessed wisdom tooth?

Impacted wisdom teeth can be problematic in a number of ways. One of the risks is that an impacted wisdom tooth will develop a painful infection known as an abscess. When bacteria infiltrate the tooth’s core, the byproducts of infection (pus) can collect in the tooth’s pulp, which contains numerous sensitive tooth endings. Painful swelling… Continue reading What is an abscessed wisdom tooth?

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

Did you know that keeping wisdom teeth could increase your risk for periodontal (gum) disease? Wisdom tooth retention increases a person’s risk for an array of oral health problems. While many people underestimate the destructiveness of periodontal disease, it doesn’t change the fact that this condition can literally wreck a person’s well-being. As a preventive… Continue reading Wisdom Teeth Removal: Reduce the Risk of Gum Disease

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Preserve Your Investment in Orthodontic Treatment

Did you know that the emergence of wisdom teeth could affect the placement of your existing adult teeth? Many times, patients who do not have their wisdom teeth extracted when they begin to come in end up developing misaligned teeth. In some cases, those who have already had braces to straighten their smiles will need… Continue reading Wisdom Teeth Removal: Preserve Your Investment in Orthodontic Treatment

Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Maintain Your Smile and Your Quality of Life

Having your impacted wisdom teeth removed can protect your smile and your health, even if those teeth aren’t causing any immediate problems. There are a number of potential complications associated with impacted wisdom teeth, and they all can have detrimental effects on your smile. First of all, an impacted wisdom tooth will continue to try… Continue reading Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Maintain Your Smile and Your Quality of Life

Do all patients need to have their wisdom teeth extracted?

The wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are the largest teeth in the human mouth, which also makes them the most likely to become impacted. Furthermore, human jaws have become smaller over time, and many patients don’t have enough room in their jaws for those teeth to come in properly. While impacted wisdom… Continue reading Do all patients need to have their wisdom teeth extracted?

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What should I expect during the recovery process?

The wisdom teeth extraction procedure is a relatively routine one that is very common, and most patients experience an uneventful recovery. In most cases, any discomfort is mild and can often be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. Nonetheless, wisdom teeth removal does require oral surgery, and there can be post-operative complications following any surgical procedures. Patients… Continue reading Wisdom Teeth Extraction: What should I expect during the recovery process?

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Stop Health Problems Before They Start

Most people have their wisdom teeth removed as a preventive measure to avoid oral health complications. Retaining wisdom teeth can lead to a number of health problems including painful infections, tooth misalignment, tooth decay, and periodontal disease. Technically known as “third molars”, wisdom teeth are not necessary to oral function – and in many cases,… Continue reading Wisdom Teeth Removal: Stop Health Problems Before They Start

I’m Postponing Dental Treatment Because it’s Not Bothering Me

For many patients, it can be easy to put off dental treatments if they’re not having any symptoms that interfere with their quality of life. This is especially true of an intervention that requires oral surgery, such as wisdom teeth extraction. However, procrastinating may not be the best strategy when it comes to your oral… Continue reading I’m Postponing Dental Treatment Because it’s Not Bothering Me

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