02 May 7 Ways to Prepare for Dental Surgery
You may be a little nervous when you think about having dental surgery. That’s normal. But you can alleviate a lot of your worry if you know how to prepare yourself for the big day. Here are 7 ways you can prepare.
1. Talk to Your Dentist
A good discussion with your dentist is one of the most important steps you can take. While you discuss surgery, be sure to share your medical history, concerns, and expectations.
You can also talk about what kind of anesthesia the dentist will use, and about how you will feel right after the surgery. It’s also important to ask about what you will be able to eat. Finally, talk about how you can reach professionals if you have a problem after hours.
2. Go Shopping
In most cases, your dentist will ask you to eat soft foods after surgery. Choose some healthy options, but be sure to include your favorites. If you have a love for peach ice cream, this might be the time to indulge it. Love chocolate pudding? Buy the big container, or mix up a big bowl yourself. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to eat soft foods or pamper yourself with some sweet treats.
3. Get a Ride
With certain kinds of anesthesia, you will not be able to drive home. Many medications will affect your judgment and reflexes. Make sure that you have a reliable ride to and from the dentist’s office. You may want to ask your family, friends, or coworkers for help. If they can’t drive you, look into public transportation.
4. Choose Your Clothing
It’s essential to think about what you will wear during surgery. Most dentists will do surgery in your regular clothes, but there is no guarantee that nothing will spill. Choose clothes that are comfortable and easy to clean. If your dentist is using intravenous anesthesia, make sure that you choose a top with short sleeves so that your dentist has easy access to your arms.
5. Fast in Preparation for Dental Surgery
Ensuring that your stomach is empty can protect you from problems with anesthesia. Your dentist will likely ask you to fast for at least six hours before your dental surgery. This may mean nothing to eat or drink; be sure to get clarification from your dentist or anesthesiologist
6. Brush Your Teeth
Brushing your teeth and using mouthwash can help reduce the number of bacteria in your mouth. A clean mouth gives you the best environment for your dental surgery and subsequent healing.
7. Get There Early
If you arenervous about the surgery, the last thing you need to worry about is traffic or getting to the office late. In addition, getting to the office 15 to 20 minutes early gives you time for any paperwork or last-minute details.
Knowing how to get ready for dental surgery gives you some control over the outcome. At Commonwealth Oral and Facial Surgery, we want you to be prepared, relaxed, and know that your surgery is in good hands.