With the technology available today, it is possible for people who are missing all of their teeth, or whose remaining teeth cannot be saved, to have implants and a set of transitional replacement teeth placed the same day.
This technique can many times provide a full arch of replacement teeth, supported by just four specially placed implants, without the need for bone grafting (deterioration).
This illustration shows how four implants can be utilized to replace all of the upper and lower teeth by tilting two of the implants in each arch. These tilted implants are longer than the other implants, providing strong support with only four implants, as opposed to placing additional implants to get that stability.
Patients considering this option would come in for an initial consultation. After the examination, a dental CT scan would be obtained, and diagnostic work up performed by our surgeon to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure.
The oral surgeon and restorative dentist may have surgical guides and the replacement teeth fabricated using digital planning software. In many cases, this makes it possible to have the replacement teeth available to be placed on the same day that the implants are placed. Immediate replacement teeth are more common in the lower jaw.
If you are considering complete tooth replacement with dental implants, the best way to determine what is right for you is schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons to explore all of your options and develop a personalized treatment plan with your general dentist.