Dental Implants: Is bone grafting safe?

Dental Implants: Is bone grafting safe?

bone grafting RichmondBone grafting can help patients access dental implants when bone loss might otherwise be a barrier to this treatment. This preliminary procedure supplements bone tissue to improve the likelihood of successful dental implant osseointegration. We understand that patients may have concerns about undergoing an additional surgical procedure, but rest assured that bone grafting does not involve any greater risk than any other type of surgery, including dental implant placement itself.

When an oral surgeon is performing a bone graft, donor bone tissue will be inserted at the implant site. Over time, that donor tissue is integrated into the patient’s jaw structure. The donor tissue can be obtained from a number of sources, including elsewhere in the patient’s body, such as the chin or hip. Donor tissue can also come from an external source, such as a cadaver or animal or synthetic materials.

Of course, infection is a possibility with a bone graft, as it is with all surgical procedures. In order to minimize the risk of this complication, carefully follow your surgeon’s instructions for keeping the graft site clean. You may also be instructed to make other adjustments to your routine, such as eating softer foods in the initial days after the bone graft. This guidance will help you to enjoy an uneventful healing period.

After several months, the grafted bone should be ready to support osseointegration of the dental implant, so the surgeon can then move forward with dental implant placement. Your surgeon will advise you when it is advisable to move to this next step.

We recognize that patients may have concerns about bone grafting prior to dental implant placement, but this preliminary procedure can make significant contributions to your long-term dental implant success. If you have additional questions or would like to schedule a consultation, contact our team at Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery.