A Look At Calming Dental Sedation

A Look At Calming Dental Sedation

richmond sedationWe want your oral surgery to be a comfortable and positive experience, one that ensures you look forward to your next visit! To accomplish this, our team offers calming medications, such as nitrous oxide and IV sedation. Our team of orthognathic surgery experts in Richmond, VA, can provide the right solution to keep your treatment experience comfortable and relaxing.

When You Need Anesthetic and Sedation

When do we recommend treatment to numb portions of your smile to help you enter a deep state of calm? Obviously, this is helpful for those undergoing more extensive treatments, such as tooth extraction, grafting or sinus lift procedures, or dental implant placement. But the sedation portion also aids those with issues that impact the ability to receive treatment, such as special needs or an overactive gag reflex. If you have dental anxiety about the dentist, this can help you feel relaxed during your treatment. We want you to have a positive experience, and will work with you to find the best options.

Local Anesthetic

Local anesthesia is essentially medication we administer via an injection to the areas being treated, so you remain comfortable during the procedure. The effects last throughout the procedure and may need time to dissipate completely.


Dental sedation helps you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation. The most common form is a mild one known as nitrous oxide, or laughing gas. This is administered through a mask over the nose. You inhale the gas and enter a deep state of calm, but remain conscious and able to respond to our team as necessary. The effects wear off once the procedure ends, and you may be able to return to work or school, or even drive yourself home.

IV sedation is a much deeper form that is administered through an IV, just as the name implies. This causes you to enter a much deeper state of calm, with little to no memory of the procedure at all. The effects also take time to wear off completely, so be sure you have a friend or family member on hand to bring you home afterward.

Pain Management

To help manage discomfort with medication, we can offer non-narcotic options, like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and Etodolac. We also have a long-lasting anesthetic known as Exparel, which is released over a lengthy period of time to keep you comfortable and is not an opioid.

If you have any questions, contact our team today to learn more!

Schedule Your Next Visit With Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery In Richmond, VA

Our team wants to ensure your visit and treatment experience is a positive one! Talk to our team at Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery in Richmond, VA at (804) 354-1600 today.