dental implants

virginia oral surgeons offer dental implants Experiencing tooth loss as an adult can be frustrating and embarrassing for many patients. You may have lost your tooth—or several teeth—due to an injury or oral health condition such as periodontal disease.  When this happens, it leaves a gap in your smile, and you may notice a decrease in functions like chewing or talking. This can affect your self-esteem and may have a negative impact on your overall quality of life. Your team at Commonweal Oral and Facial Surgery in Richmond, VA, offers a strong prosthetic option that can replace your missing pearly whites. In today’s blog, we’re here to explain the many benefits of dental implants.

Senior man holding up three fingers implant dentistry list conceptThere are serious consequences to tooth loss—many can be apparent to you the moment you lose a tooth, but some grow more alarming over time. The changes to your smile and bite function can be immediate, but as you spend more time without addressing the issue, you become more vulnerable to the losses of more teeth as well as jawbone density loss! Fortunately, these are issues that you protect yourself against with an implant-held restoration. Our Midlothian, VA treatment office and our other locations are prepared to provide the restoration of your smile with a secured prosthesis.