Do you wake up with a
stiff or sore jaw? The human mouth relies upon balance for its lasting stability, and if your jaw is subjected to too much side-to-side movement, you may experience discomfort at the connection to the side of your head. This area is known as the temporomandibular joint, and it can pose problems for those with certain conditions. Speak with a member of our team at
Commonwealth Oral & Facial Surgery in Richmond, VA and see if TMJ disorder and dysfunction are holding you back. If you require help in bringing your mouth back into balance, discuss all of your options, as there are different solutions for each particular situation. Your condition could worsen if you do not seek treatment, so speak with a knowledgeable provider about your needs. We are here to help you regain full control of your smile, with the use of both surgical and appliance-based therapy for your TMJ disorder and dysfunction!